Thursday, March 30, 2006


"An avalanche of media coverage of an Afghan man facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity has apparently sparked the arrest and deepening harassment of other Afghan Christians in the ultra-conservative Muslim country."

"During the past few days, Compass has confirmed the arrest of two other Afghan Christians elsewhere in the country. Because of the sensitive situation, local sources requested that the location of the jailed converts be withheld.

This past weekend, one young Afghan convert to Christianity was beaten severely outside his home by a group of six men, who finally knocked him unconscious with a hard blow to his temple. He woke up in the hospital two hours later but was discharged before morning. "

"Calling Rahman a “traitor to Islam,” Wasi told the court he was “like a cancer inside Afghanistan.”

Wasi told the Associated Press (AP) that when he offered to drop all the charges against Rahman if he returned to Islam, the defendant refused. “He said he was a Christian and would always remain one,” Wasi said.

“We are Muslims, and becoming a Christian is against our laws,” the prosecutor concluded. “He must get the death penalty.”
Compass Direct

Friday, March 24, 2006

Peeing: the video game

Peeing: the video game: "Filed under: Culture
Marcel Neundörfer's appropriately named On Target is a urinal based video game featuring water sensitive (yeah right, water) pressure points connected to an LCD screen. Bringing whole new meaning to the word 'gamer', users of the urinal score points by shooting objects on screen with the aforementioned water.

Inspired by Dan Maynes-Aminzade's final project at MIT (called You're In Control - a pun on urine control), his original design featured a Whack-A-Mole style game and a controller which combined the functions of 'nintendo-style game controllers, plumbing equipment, and strap-on dildo harnesses' so girls could have a go. You've gotta see it to believe it.

[Via Boing Boing]

Read - On Target
Read - You're In Control (Urine Control)

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Algeria bans Muslims from learning about Christianity

Algeria has outlawed sharing your faith. Pray for pressure to turn this around and for the local believers and workers there.
Dhimmi Watch: Algeria bans Muslims from learning about Christianity

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Is the future of Evangelicalism with the SBC?

Nice look at how Southern Baptists have become more relevent in general Evangelical circles in recent years with analysis.
Jesus Creed � Is the future of Evangelicalism with the SBC?

Sunday, March 19, 2006



I was reading Glen Reynolds’ book An Army of Davids last night, and a question myteriously entered my mind that I had never asked before. And, I have not heard any of the MSN or talking heads ask either.

The primary theme of An Army of Davids is that big government can’t outperform empowered ordinary people. Glen uses several examples of how ordinary people acted with speed and effectiveness during and after the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks. He also used the analogy that ordinary people should be packs (taking frontline initiative) and not herds (being passively herded around).

In this light, I was thinking about the people in New Orleans after Katrina hit. Why did the masses of people allow themselves to be herded into the Dome like animals. Why didn’t they turn into a pack and do something — like on 9/11 - besides just complaining and yelling.

What about that parking lot full of buses? Did any pack of folks go and try to use these buses themselves? Why didn’t the citizens of New Orleans take things into their own hands more when they realized that big government was not coming to their rescue? I am sure there were some examples, but I did not see bands mobilizing on an"

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Top 10 Strangest Lego Creations

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Anti-bribe clause draws ire

This is hilarious. Everyone know Turks don't accept bribes! Apparently, something that has been accepted by every country Japan has had business with for the last 10 years is an outrage to Turkey:

" TURKISH MPs rejected a $US2.4-million ($3.3-million) grant agreement with Japan because of a clause demanding that Turkey ensure the deal will be corruption-free, a senior MP said.

The clause is in an annex to a 2005 agreement under which Japan will grant Turkey funds to build an archaeological research institute, a museum and a Japanese garden in the central Turkish town of Kaman.

It calls on Ankara to “take the necessary measures to prevent any proposals, gifts, payments or benefits that may be interpreted as bribes” in the execution of the project."

“This is like an insult. How could we adopt or sign this text?” Mr Dulger said.

"The Japanese embassy in Ankara said it was “astonished” by the controversy surrounding the article, which has been included in every international economic agreement Japan has signed since 1996."

“Document of shame,” bannered the popular daily Aksam, while the mass-circulation Hurriyet, tongue-in-cheek, headlined: “We promise we won't take bribes!”
The Australian: Anti-bribe clause draws ire [March 11, 2006]

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What's that word for . . .

Are you a visual thinker or do you know someone who is. Check this out:

"The Visual Thesaurus is a dictionary and thesaurus with an intuitive interface that encourages exploration and learning."
Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Is it faster this way?

This is really sad. With the amount of inbreeding that takes places in some of the more isolated places, it's not suprising that something like this developed. Now someone is calling attention to it and using it to try and prove evolution. Of course showing something like this today is a perfect example of how their "transitional forms" can easily be accounted for.

"An extraordinary family who walk on all fours are being hailed as the breakthrough discovery which could shed light on the moment Man first stood upright.

Scientists believe that the five brothers and sisters found in Turkey could hold unique insights into human evolution.

The Kurdish siblings, aged between 18 and 34 and from the rural south, 'bear crawl' on their feet and palms.

Study of the five has shown the astonishing behaviour is not a hoax and they are largely unable to walk otherwise.

Researchers have found a genetic condition which accounts for their extraordinary movement." :: Blast from the past....??

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Study shows more Americans know 'The Simpsons' than First Amendment rights

This report has been all over the news, including the Turkish media. Of course, it's not really that suprising to me. Here it would be interesting to do a study on people's knowledge of the teachings of Islam versus knowledge of the Simpson's characters.

Study shows more Americans know 'The Simpsons' than First Amendment rights - Turkish Daily News Mar 02, 2006