Tuesday, June 27, 2006

European Muslims resort to virginity ploy - Women's Health - MSNBC.com

This makes perfect sense, after all the only important thing in this religion is appearances anyway:

"Chastity can exact a painful price from young Muslim women, forced into lies or surgery to go to the marriage bed as virgins.

Hymen repair, fake virginity certificates and other deceptions, said to be commonplace in some Muslim countries, are practiced in France and elsewhere in Europe, where Muslim girls are more emancipated but still live under rigid codes of family honor."
European Muslims resort to virginity ploy - Women's Health - MSNBC.com

Saturday, June 10, 2006

If D-Day Had Been Reported On Today

This is a very vivid highlight of how wack most reporters are today.
StrategyPage.com - Measure of respect- �If D-Day Had Been Reported On Today

GPS datalogger captures speed, coordinates to SD

GPS datalogger captures speed, coordinates to SD: "Filed under: GPS

Parents looking to stalk their own children keep a watchful eye on the kids, but not interested in logging onto a website every five minutes to monitor Junior's whereabouts, can now ditch the live feed in favor of a product that lets them record their youngster's movements for later perusal. E-tailer Spark Fun Electronics has started offering a complete kit containing a GPS module, battery pack, embedded antenna, and most importantly, an SD-capable datalogger board that can capture up to 440 hours of coordinate data on a 256MB card, and display the resulting map on Google Earth. That's right, mom and dad, instead or paying for one of those commercial cellphone tracking services, simply sewing the Lassen iQ FAT16 Datalogger kit into a child's letter jacket or hiding it in their car will give you all the Big Brother-esque information you desire (including speed, for parents of lead-footed teens), and on your own time to boot. Showing your kids that extra little bit of overprotective love will set you back "

The Ignorant American's Guide to the World Cup

Go ahead and read up! Our team deserves your support and you just might like it:
World Cup Soccer - CBS SportsLine.com